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06. 02. 2025 at 13:30
S2 11/10


Caroline Robin (Uni Bielefeld and GSI)
Complexity, Entanglement and Quantum Simulations of Nuclear Many-Body Systems

The development of quantum information has provided new perspectives on quantum many-body problems. In nuclear physics, investigations of concepts such as entanglement and non-stabilizerness ("quantum magic") can shed further light on the structure of nuclei and underlying forces. At the same time, the language of quantum information is facilitating communication and exchanges of ideas and techniques between fields of physics. Such cross-fertilization, together with the gained insights, are, in turn, enabling the development of improved methods and algorithms for describing nuclear structure and dynamics on classical and quantum computers. I will discuss some recent developments in these areas.

17. 02. 2025 at 14:00
S2 11/10


Alexander Haber (University of Southampton)
Weak Interactions in Neutron Star Mergers

Weak processes like neutron decay and electron capture play a
fundamental role in the transport properties of neutron stars and their
mergers. In dense nuclear matter, these processes are called direct and
modified Urca processes. In this talk, I will discuss the importance of
flavor equilibration via Urca processes in mergers and present a new,
more accurate, systematically improvable, and consistent approach to
in-medium Urca rates called the "nucleon width approximation". This
novel approach allows us to fundamentally improve the in-medium
calculation of weak decays by taking the interactions of the decaying
nucleons with the medium consistently into account.


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Institut für Kernphysik

Schlossgartenstraße 2
64289 Darmstadt


Stephanie Müller

+49 6151 16 21558
+49 6151 16 21555

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on 06. 02. 2025 at 13:30
(S2 11/10)
Caroline Robin
Complexity, Entanglement and Quantum Simulations of Nuclear Many-Body Systems
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