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02. 10. 2024 at 13:30
S2 11/10


Rajeev Singh (West University of Timisoara, Romania)
Stochastic relativistic advection-diffusion equation from the Metropolis

We study an approach to simulating the stochastic relativistic advection-diffusion equation based on the Metropolis algorithm. We show that the dissipative dynamics of the boosted fluctuating fluid can be simulated by making random transfers of charge between fluid cells, interspersed with ideal hydrodynamic time steps. The random charge transfers are accepted or rejected in a Metropolis step using the entropy as a statistical weight. This procedure reproduces the expected strains of dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics in a specific (and non-covariant) hydrodynamic frame known as the density frame. Numerical results, both with and without noise, are presented and compared to relativistic kinetics and analytical expectations. An all order resummation of the density frame gradient expansion reproduces the covariant dynamics in a specific model. In contrast to all other numerical approaches to relativistic dissipative fluids, the dissipative fluid formalism presented here is strictly first order in gradients and has no non-hydrodynamic modes. We will also present the extension to relativistic viscous hydrodynamics and its comparison with BDNK formalism.


Technische Universität Darmstadt

Institut für Kernphysik

Schlossgartenstraße 2
64289 Darmstadt


Stephanie Müller

+49 6151 16 21558
+49 6151 16 21555

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on 02. 10. 2024 at 13:30
(S2 11/10)
Rajeev Singh
Stochastic relativistic advection-diffusion equation from the Metropolis
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