Dear Colleague,
this is the second circular for the 415th Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Seminar
Quarks and Hadrons in Strong QCD
which will take place from March 17th - 20th, 2008 in St. Goar, Germany.
The meeting will canvass a range of topics - Quark and gluon confinement, - QCD Green's functions, - Mesons and baryons as relativistic bound states, - Glueballs, - Deconfinement- and chiral phase transition, which will be discussed also with respect to the future experimental program at FAIR/GSI and at the LHC/CERN, in particular ALICE.
Key speakers include
Reinhard Alkofer, Attilio Cucchieri, Adriano de Giacomo, Holger Gies, Jeff Greensite, Jan Pawlowski, Mike Pennington, Yuri Simonov, Lorenz von Smekal, Silvio Sorella, Anthony Thomas, Andreas Wipf, and Daniel Zwanziger.
In addition, overview talks on the PANDA, CBM, and ALICE experiments will be presented.
We have been granted funding from the 'Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Stiftung' to provide the local costs (conference fee including meals) for all participants (max 50). In addition we are able to contribute towards travel costs for a limited number of younger participants and participants with a low travel budget. Please indicate in the comments section of the registration form, whether you are in need of support.
Accommodation will be available on the conference site (Schlosshotel Rheinfels, St. Goar) and amounts to 80 Euro per night for a single room and 65 Euro per person per night in a shared double room. We have reserved a sufficient number of rooms from 16th to 21st of March. Although we expect every participant to cover accommodation on his/her own, in very exceptional cases we may negotiate about a (partial) refunding. Hotel booking is organized by us. Just use the registration form to indicate your interests.
Registration will be open from now, closing at the 10th of December.
!! Please register by email using the form attached below. !!
Since the overall number of participants is strictly limited to 50 we may have to make a selection. We plan to include the final list of participants on the conference website no later than the 17th of December. The website is located at
We are looking forward to a productive workshop!
Best wishes Christian Fischer and Axel Maas
Registration form (please fill out completely):
I want to give a talk (yes/no):
I want to present a poster (yes/no):
Title of seminar talk, poster, or invited lecture:
Abstract (<100 words):
Accommodation (single/double, from..., to...):
Number of accompanying persons:
Comments (need of support,etc):
Last changed: 25th of April 2007