Information for Participants

International School of Nuclear Physics
35th Course
Neutrino Physics: Present and Future
September 16-24, 2013


The fee of 800 EURO covers the local costs in Erice including full board and lodging. Lunch and dinner will be provided at local restaurants. Drinks, beverages, and after-dinner coffee at the restaurants, telephone calls, personal laundry, etc. are not covered. Note that each accompanying person has to pay the fee as well.

The fee can be paid by bank transfer or in cash. No credit cards are accepted!

Room Reservation and Transportation from and to Palermo or Trapani Airport

In order to arrange the transportation from the airport in Palermo or Trapani to Erice and to reserve the rooms in Erice, the "Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture" needs your exact arrival and departure information (times and flight numbers, accompanying persons, etc.). To provide this information we ask you to use the following web link, which will be open until August 20 (deadline).

If you do not fill in the form by August 20, we will assume that you do not come and cancel your participation.

Busses will leave Palermo airport on September 16 in the afternoon. These busses will be arranged according to your arrival information. Transportation from Trapani airport will be arranged as well.

If you arrive on a day other than September 16 you must come to Erice at your own cost. A taxi from Palermo airport costs about 120 to 180 Euros. (Ask for the price!)

Registration and room allocation is upon your arrival on September 16th at the secretariat of the School ("San Rocco", Via Guarnotta 26, Erice, see Map of Erice). Please, do not try to make reservations directly at hotels in Erice. Participants will be accommodated in rooms with one or two beds, the majority with shower or bath.

Transportation to the airport on September 24 will be organized during your stay in Erice. Transportation on other days is in your own responsibility.

Local Information

Operations in Erice are managed by the Director of the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Mrs. Fiorella Ruggiu (telephone: +39 0923 869107) to whom you should refer for any specific needs.

Internet Access

Several personal computers as well as WLAN access are available at the Centro Ettore Majorana.


Stand-alone capabilities for projecting powerpoint or pdf talks are available at the lecture hall. The presentations should preferentially be uploaded via memory stick. It is also possible to use personal laptops.

The talks will be made available online. There are no longer printed proceedings.


We will have an excursion to the Greek temples and the Akropolis in Selinunte, and to the temple and Greek theater in Segesta. We also visit the quarries were the stones for the temples of Selinunte were broken. It is today still in the same state (with half finished columns) as 409 BC, when Selinunte was destroyed by Carthage (Carthago). One can nicely see the technique how the columns are broken from the rock. After lunch in the Restaurant "Lido Azzurro" you have the possibility to swim in the sea.

One afternoon, we will go the nicest sand beach of Sicily in San Vito lo Capo. Umbrellas and beach chairs will be available at no cost for you.

Food and Restaurants in Erice

Upon arrival you will receive a badge, which allows you to have lunch and dinner in about 10 restaurants in Erice. A list of these restaurants will be provided by the Centro Ettore Majorana. Drinks and beverages are not included. Lunch is typically between 13 and 15 h and dinner between 20 and 22 h.

Breakfast for the participants staying in one of the three former monasteries (San Rocco, San Francesco and San Domenico) is between 7:30 h and 9:00 h in San Rocco. Participants in hotels have breakfast there.

During the whole day you can find food, coffee, fruits, and mineral water in the breakfast room in San Rocco.

How to reach Erice

By car there are two possibilities:

  1. drive along the Autostrada del Sole from Milan-Bologna-Florence-Rome-Naples-Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria). Then take the ferry-boat from Villa San Giovanni to Messina and drive on to Erice (350 km from Messina);
  2. take the ferry-boat either from Genova or from Naples to Palermo, and then drive on to Erice (about 120 km from Palermo). The places on the ferry-boats from Genova or Naples should be booked in advance.

By train:

From Milan-Rome via Messina you can reach Trapani directly.

By plane:

To Palermo or Trapani. For arrival and departure at normal times (September 16th and September 24th) the School will make local transport arrangements, see above.

Map of Erice


In September the weather is pleasant in Erice, but cooler than in the rest of Sicily since it lies at 750 metres above sea level.

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Last change by Michael Buballa on 26.08.2013 at 11:26