One assumes that in the big bang matter and antimatter was produced in the same amount. After annihilation of particles with antiparticles only a tiny amount of matter remained. What symmetry violations, processes and conditions led to this particle-antiparticle asymmetry? What is the amount of antimatter in the universe today?
The search for gravitational waves: What are the detectors? What are possible sources for gravitational waves? Can gravitational waves contain information about the big bang? Is this signal measurable?
The abundances of Hydrogen, Helium, Deuterium, 6Li and 7Li give us a view into the first minutes of the universe. What do these ratios say about the temperature, densities and proton-neutron ratio during this stage?
The cosmic background radiation tells us that the geometry of the universe is flat. It also provides information about the amount of baryonic and dark matter. It shows the universe at an age of about 300.000 years. The neutrinos decouple earlier and should contain information of an earlier age. But presently there seems to be no hope to measure the neutrino background.
In the last ten years one has found massive black holes of several million or even billion solar masses in almost all larger galaxies. How have they been observed? What do we know about their properties? What is their history of development?
Do we understand how stars burn in the Hydrogen-Helium and in the CNO cycle? Are the key reaction cross sections at these low energies known well enough? What are the techniques to measure these extremely tiny reactions below the Coulomb barrier?
Do the simulations of supernovae show explosions? Does one need 3-dimensional models to describe them correctly? What is the role of the neutrinos? Which nuclear reactions are important to describe novae and supernovae processes?
Formation of the heavier isotopes in novae, in supernovae and in other scenarios: The s-process e. g. in novae explosions and the r-process in supernovae. What are the scenarios for the p-process forming proton-rich nuclei? Which cross sections are needed to calculate the abundance of the different elements and isotopes? Which roles play radioactive beams?